defiance is inspired by the incredible bravery and strength that sexual assault survivors embody. sexual assault is a relevant and pervasive issue on college campuses. the issue is commonly underreported and unjustly handled, and the victimization of the survivor is all too common. i wanted to take a different approach in this collection, and emphasize how resilient sexual assault survivors are, in spite of what they've been through.

the collection combines sheer and utility fabrics to reflect the duality of fragility and strength. the distressed and heavily beaded denim is meant to highlight the survivor's perseverance and ability to overcome, and show power in mending the rips. various phrases or quotes are embroidered or painted onto the garments taking direct inspiration from the bravery of the survivor in the stanford sexual assault case. every garment has a hand painted tag with a different affirmation inscribed to connect the wearer with the garment and its meaning. the wings are inspired by a quote from the poet ariana dancu that i heard my sophomore year of college and have not been able to get out of my head since. the streetwear collection is meant to take this difficult and sensitive topic and make it a little more approachable, and act as a reminder about how all too common this issue is.